• Motivating and Managing Student Behavior with Dignity (Quick Reference Guide)

Motivating and Managing Student Behavior with Dignity (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Allen Mendler, Brian Mendler
ISBN10 1416627820
ISBN13 9781416627821
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2019 April


In this quick reference guide, experts Allen N. Mendler and Brian D. Mendler discuss Discipline with Dignity, an approach intended to help children make better choices and teachers be more effective. Motivating and Managing Student Behavior with Dignity covers

  1. The attitudes and beliefs underlying Discipline with Dignity
  2. 6 keys to changing behavior
  3. 7 ways to prevent behavior problems
  4. The difference between formal and informal discipline
  5. Teaching responsibility and caring

This guide provides the structure and strategies to more effectively interact with students who misbehave so that teachers can establish a classroom in which mutual respect is the norm.