• The Brain and Learning (Quick Reference Guide)

The Brain and Learning (Quick Reference Guide)

ISBN10 1416628134
ISBN13 9781416628132
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2019 October


In this quick reference guide Allison Posey, author of Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning That Taps into the Power of Emotion, relates what we currently know about the brain to our pedagogy. She explores

  1. 3 overarching facts about the brain that can influence instruction design.
  2. 3 important brain functions for learning: perception and attention, emotion, and memory.
  3. 4 common misconceptions about the brain.
  4. 8 tips for classroom practice.

This guideā€™s practical tips and ideas will help teachers get started right away in designing different learning pathways for their students.