• Total Participation Techniques to Engage Students (Quick Reference Guide)

Total Participation Techniques to Engage Students (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Persida Himmele, William Himmele
ISBN10 1416623515
ISBN13 9781416623519
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2016 October


How do you gauge whether all of your students are actually learning, and doing so with deep levels of understanding? When students raise their hands to answer a question, do you see participation from the whole class or only the same few students? Total Participation Techniques to Engage Students is an essential guide for teachers at all levels who want to ensure that their lessons are relevant, engaging, and challenging for the whole class. Authors Pérsida and William Himmele explain the guiding principles of Total Participation Techniques (TPTs) and how to effectively use them in the classroom to encourage all students to participate in active learning--and to make it more likely that students will be cognitively engaged in lessons. The guide includes 15 classroom-ready TPTs that can be used immediately or integrated into future lessons, as well as the 8 keys to creating a TPT-conducive classroom.

About the Author:

Pérsida and William Himmele are the authors of several ASCD books, including Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner, which contains examples of dozens of teacher-tested TPTs.