• Visual Note-Taking for Educators: A Teacher's Guide to Student Creativity

Visual Note-Taking for Educators: A Teacher's Guide to Student Creativity

Author(s) Wendi Pillars
ISBN10 0393708454
ISBN13 9780393708455
Format Paperback
Pages 192
Year Publish 2015 November


A step-by-step guide for teachers to the benefits of visual note-taking and how to incorporate it in their classrooms.

We've come a long way from teachers admonishing students to put away their drawings and take traditional long-form notes. Let's be honest: note-taking is boring and it isn't always the most effective way to retain information. This book is a guide for teachers about getting your students drawing and sketching to learn visually. Whether in elementary school or high school, neuroscience has shown that visual learning is a very effective way to retain information. The techniques in this book will help you work with your students in novel ways to retain information. Visual note-taking can be used with diverse learners; all ages; and those who have no drawing experience. Teachers are provided with a library of images and concepts to steal, tweak, and use in any way in their classrooms. The book is liberally illustrated with student examples from elementary and high school students alike. 

About the Author:

Wendi Pillars is a National Board Certified teacher who has been teaching students with English as a second/foreign language needs in grades K-12, both stateside and overseas, for 19 years. She has also taught Algebra, History, vocational classes, and Health and PE. She has published several articles, most related to best practices for ELLs, educational neuroscience, and teacher leadership. A lifelong learner, she loves using creativity to empower her learners.