• The Art of School Leadership

The Art of School Leadership

Author(s) Thomas R. Hoerr
ISBN10 1416602291
ISBN13 9781416602293
Format Paperback
Pages 216
Year Publish 2005 December


Although it’s true that effective school leaders focus on research, data, and statistics, the reality is that much of school leadership is also about how you handle personal relationships. That’s why The Art of School Leadership is a must-read for any experienced or aspiring principal.

Using concrete examples from his nearly 30 years of leadership experience, Thomas Hoerr shares successful strategies for leading students, faculty, and parents in a productive and accountable school:

  1. Why successful leaders have to lead and manage
  2. The five kinds of power and how to wield them effectively
  3. Why traditional organizational hierarchies are no longer effective
  4. The steps to helping struggling teachers
  5. Why true collegiality is much more than just teamwork
  6. The essential elements of highly productive meetings

"Through playfulness, joyfulness, honesty, and jargon-free authenticity, Hoerr earns credibility and respect. His depiction of life in a schoolhouse will resonate with the experiences of most teachers, administrators, and parents."
--Roland S. Barth