• Qualities of Effective Principals

Qualities of Effective Principals

Author(s) James H. Stronge, Holly B. Richard, Nancy Catano
ISBN10 1416607447
ISBN13 9781416607441
Format Paperback
Pages 260
Year Publish 2008 November


You know how important principals are in advancing student achievement and school success, but it's not been exactly clear which components of the principal's job are the highest priority. . . until now. Following on the results-based approach from the ASCD best-seller Qualities of Effective Teachers, James Stronge and his coauthors explain how the research-based qualities of effective principals can be applied to training, hiring, mentoring, and supervising of school leaders everywhere. Synthesizing decades of research into clear guidelines, this book establishes definitive benchmarks for top-flight education administration, leadership academy, and professional development programs, including:

  • The seven categories of effective leadership that are critical to the principal's job
  • A profile of what an effective principal should know and be able to do
  • Quality indicators for assessing the principal's performance
  • Red flags that are signs of ineffective leadership


Useful skills checklists and detailed steps help you quickly implement this book's proven strategies. If you're a new or experienced principal, this is an indispensable self-help book for balancing the needs and priorities of your school while you refine your leadership skills.