• Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy: An Implementation Guide for School Leaders

Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy: An Implementation Guide for School Leaders

Author(s) Judith Irvin, Julie Meltzer, Melinda Dukes
ISBN10 141660541X
ISBN13 9781416605416
Format Paperback
Pages 270
Year Publish 2007 June


Even students who are successful readers and writers in the early grades can struggle with demanding texts and writing assignments in secondary schools. But with the leadership plan and action steps in this book, you can continue to build on students' literacy skills and intervene with students who falter. Explore ways to connect literacy instruction to adolescents' needs, interests, and dispositions. Discover how to use assessment data to guide your literacy program. And examine ways to reallocate resources and leadership roles to support a school- or district wide literacy program. The authors' comprehensive, school-proven model for improvement includes:
    ? Strategies to integrate literacy and learning across the content areas
    ? Targeted interventions for students who are struggling the most
    ? Support structures that involve teachers, administrators, parents, and community members in your literacy program
    ? Examples of school environments that sustain literacy development