• Test Better, Teach Better: The Instructional Role of Assessment

Test Better, Teach Better: The Instructional Role of Assessment

Author(s) W. James Popham
ISBN10 0871206676
ISBN13 9780871206671
Format Paperback
Pages 174
Year Publish 2003 August


If you’re frustrated by standardized tests that don’t give you the information you need to help students achieve in the classroom, then here’s a book that explains how to create and use tests to guide everyday teaching practices.

A renowned expert on assessment provides you with a “crash course” on the basic principles of testing:

? How tests can tell you what to teach and how to teach it
? What to put on a test and why, including the rules for choosing and writing good test items
? The measurement concepts every educator must know in order to design tests that meet tough accountability standards
? How to avoid “teaching to the test” and five common mistakes in test writing

Sample test items, tips, and steps guide you in collecting the right testing data, interpreting it, and making sound judgments about whether your instructional practices are achieving the results you want.