• Understanding Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide to Systemic Implementation

Understanding Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide to Systemic Implementation

Author(s) Robert Howell, Sandra Patton, Margaret Deiotte
ISBN10 1934009342
ISBN13 9781934009345
Format Paperback
Pages 224
Year Publish 2008 June


This guide drills deep to deliver the nuts and bolts of RTI. Clear examples of effective implementation include systems and checklists to assess RTI progress. Learn specific strategies for realigning your school system. Respond to the needs of struggling students by building pyramids of intervention, solving problems in collaborative teams, monitoring student progress through data, and employing customized solutions to help every unique learner succeed.

  1. Develop stakeholder support for educational redesign.
  2. Establish leadership at the district and school levels.
  3. Create a school-based RTI problem-solving team.
  4. Garner parent involvement in the intervention process.
  5. Use data to successfully monitor student progress.

About the Authors:
Robert Howell, Ed.D., has over 40 years of experience in private and public schools. In 2005, he led a district-wide initiative to implement RTI, securing funding for RTI evaluation and research and spearheading implementation at more than 60 school sites.

Sandra Patton, M.A., is a highly experienced educator specializing in instructional interventions, school library media, instructional technology, and 21st-century information and learning skills.

Margaret Deiotte, BSB/PA, founded Outside the Box, a consulting firm specializing in grant proposal design, development and writing, strategic planning, program and project design, program evaluation, and RTI implementation.