• Transforming Professional Development into Student Results, April/2010

Transforming Professional Development into Student Results, April/2010

Author(s) Douglas B. Reeves
ISBN10 1416609490
ISBN13 9781416609490
Format Paperback
Pages 160
Year Publish 2010 April


Focusing on just three things—evidence of student learning, feedback on teacher and principal decisions, and depth of implementation—renowned author and thinker Douglas B. Reeves provides you with a blueprint for how to ensure professional development improves student learning. Find out

  1. Which ineffective professional development practices often get recycled through schools year after year.
  2. Why to move beyond the “train the trainer” model.
  3. How schools leaders spend too much energy, time, and money on the initial stages of implementation.
  4. Why elaborate planning documents and “brand-name” programs are not enough to achieve results.

Then, learn how educators at all levels can improve the results of professional development by taking a course of action that includes

  1. A dedicated team to research student learning problems.
  2. A concise action plan with a short list of priorities linked to learning goals.
  3. Formative assessments for teachers and administrators.
  4. Progress reports on student learning with actionable feedback to staff.