• The School Leader's Guide to Grading, Dec/2012

The School Leader's Guide to Grading, Dec/2012

Author(s) Ken O'Connor
ISBN10 1935542524
ISBN13 9781935542520
Format Paperback
Pages 112
Year Publish 2012 December


Ensure your school's grading procedures are supportive of learning, accurate, meaningful, and consistent. Discover how the “seven essential Ps” can improve your effectiveness in supporting assessment and communicating student achievement. You will also learn how to avoid inaccurate grades caused by penalties for lateness or academic dishonesty; extra credit; group rather than individual work; and marking down for attendance.


  1. Understand what constitutes high-quality feedback.
  2. View grade and report cards that embody best practices.
  3. Increase your knowledge of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) standards.
  4. Learn how to control for bias in your assessment practices.

About The Author:
Ken O’Connor is an independent consultant specializing in grading and reporting. He has been a staff-development presenter and facilitator in the United States and Canada, and in 14 countries outside North America. Ken’s 33-year teaching career includes experience as a geography teacher, department head, and curriculum coordinator responsible for student assessment and evaluation.

Ken’s articles have appeared in the NASSP Bulletin, Educational Leadership, and Orbit. He is author of How to Grade for Learning and A Repair Kit for Grading.