• The Art of Discussion-Based Teaching: Opening Up Conversation in the Classroom, Oct/2007

The Art of Discussion-Based Teaching: Opening Up Conversation in the Classroom, Oct/2007

Author(s) John Henning
ISBN10 0415956331
ISBN13 9780415956338
Format Paperback
Pages 240
Year Publish 2007 October


Opening Up the Conversation leads practicing and preservice K-12 teachers through the process of creating more open, student-centered discourse in their classrooms. Readers are first introduced to types of teacher questions, student responses, and teacher follow-up moves that are associated with both open and closed discourse. Author John Henning then helps readers identify the most likely places for open and closed classroom discourse by examining an entire unit of instruction and by looking closely at three distinct types of discussions—framing, conceptual, and application. Readers are introduced to specific discourse moves, the patterns of discussion, the amount of preparation, and the types of accountability strategies needed to construct each of these discussions. The final chapter of the book shows readers how to videotape and analyse their classroom interactions in a teacher study group.

About The Author:

John E. Henning is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Foundations at the University of Northern Iowa.