• Teacher Leadership That Strengthens Professional Practice

Teacher Leadership That Strengthens Professional Practice

Author(s) Charlotte Danielson
ISBN10 1416602712
ISBN13 9781416602712
Format Paperback
Pages 167
Year Publish 2006 Fenruary


There's nothing new about having teachers lead teams, chair departments, and manage programs, but what's never been available to schools is a framework for developing these teacher leaders and encouraging them every step of the way . . . until now.

One of education's foremost consultants and authors lays out the foundation that every school needs for developing and supporting highly committed teacher leaders:

  • Why there is a difference between excellent teachers who are leaders and excellent teachers who aren't
  • Which skills and dispositions are key to successful teacher leaders
  • How to ensure teacher leaders reinforce the mission and goals of your school
  • What kind of culture, policies, and structures schools need to encourage teacher leadership
  • Where and when it's critical for teacher leaders to interact with the community outside your school


Loaded with advice for administrators and practical tips for experienced and aspiring teacher leaders, this book gives you a clear plan for ensuring that teacher leadership is a powerful force for school improvement.