• Task Rotation: Strategies for Differentiating Activities and Assessments by Learning Style, April/2011

Task Rotation: Strategies for Differentiating Activities and Assessments by Learning Style, April/2011

Author(s) Harvey Silver, Daniel Moirao, Joyce Jackson
ISBN10 1416611886
ISBN13 9781416611882
Format Paperback
Pages 98
Year Publish 2011 April


One of the hardest jobs in teaching is to differentiate learning activities and assessments to your students’ learning styles. But you and your colleagues can learn how to do this together when each of you has this guide to the Task Rotation strategy from our ultimate guide to teaching strategies, The Strategic Teacher. Use the guide in your Professional Learning Community to explore how Task Rotation enables you to scaffold student learning and conduct assessments that are appropriate to the four major learning styles: Mastery, Understanding, Self-Expressive, and Interpersonal. Activities from the guide help you and your colleagues

  • Examine a range of teacher-designed Task Rotations.
  • Experience model Task Rotations and learn from sample lessons and planning forms designed by other teachers.
  • Design a Task Rotation for your own classroom.
  • Examine student work at various levels of proficiency and use your findings to plan next steps.

  • About The Authors:
    Harvey F. Silver, EdD, is president of Silver Strong & Associates and Thoughtful Education Press. He has conducted numerous workshops for school districts and state education departments throughout the United States. He was the principal consultant for the Georgia Critical Thinking Skills Program and the Kentucky Thoughtful Education Teacher Leadership Program. With the late Richard W. Strong, he developed The Thoughtful Classroom—a renowned professional development initiative dedicated to the goal of "Making Students as Important as Standards." Dr. Silver may be reached at Silver Strong & Associates, 227 First Street, Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423; 800-962-4432; hsilver@thoughtfulclassroom.com.

    Joyce W. Jackson is a seasoned teacher with more than 30 years of experience in the classroom. She is a consultant in the areas of curriculum design, closing the achievement gap, and school improvement. Before working with teachers as a Silver Strong & Associates coach and mentor, she worked with the Kentucky Department of Education to serve and assist at-risk populations of students. She may be reached at jjackson@thoughtfulclassroom.com.

    Daniel R. Moirao, EdD, is an experienced K–12 teacher and site and district administrator. He collaborates with school communities to incorporate learning styles, research-based instructional strategies, and curriculum design into sustainable classroom practice. He coaches teachers and administrators in developing school cultures that focus on powerful and engaging learning so that each student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century. He may be reached at dmoirao@thoughtfulclassroom.com.