• Staffing the Principalship: Finding, Coaching, and Mentoring School Leaders

Staffing the Principalship: Finding, Coaching, and Mentoring School Leaders

Author(s) Suzette Lovely
ISBN10 0871208342
ISBN13 9780871208347
Format Paperback
Pages 176
Year Publish 2004 February


“Help Wanted” signs are springing up outside our schools. The shortage of school administrators isn’t coming, it’s here. To thwart the shortage and keep schools on the cutting edge, we must exercise diligence in cultivating, training, and inspiring a new generation of school leaders-especially for the principalship.

Staffing the Principalship offers a structured, adaptable approach to finding high-quality principals and administrators in the ranks of teacher leaders and aspiring applicants. The author shares her professional experiences to explain proven strategies that can increase your district’s applicant pool and build a strong cadre of candidates ready and able to tackle the demands of the principalship. This book helps you determine how best to

  1. Identify and cultivate candidates for the principalship,
  2. Support principals in their first years on the job,
  3. Help experienced principals grow,
  4. Keep good leaders, and
  5. Train current and future leaders to delegate and redistribute responsibilities and tasks.

Now is the time to invest in public education by making administrator support and development a top priority in your school district. Securing dynamic principals who can prepare students for the challenges of tomorrow is essential for the success of every school.

About the Author:

Suzette Lovely is the deputy superintendent of personnel services for the Capistrano Unified School District in Orange County, CA. She has spent 24 years in public education as a teacher, assistant principal, elementary principal, and director of elementary operations. Lovely also serves as an adjunct faculty member at Chapman University, teaching courses in educational administration.

Author of two previous books: Setting Leadership Priorities: What’s Necessary, What’s Nice and What’s Got to Go (Corwin Press, 2006) and Staffing the Principalship: Finding, Coaching and Mentoring School Leaders (ASCD, 2004), Lovely is also a staff writer for Master Teacher publications.