• Speed Math for Kids: The Fast, Fun Way To Do Basic Calculations, Feb/2007

Speed Math for Kids: The Fast, Fun Way To Do Basic Calculations, Feb/2007

Author(s) Bill Handley
ISBN10 0787988634
ISBN13 9780787988630
Format Paperback
Pages 256
Year Publish 2007 February


Learn how to easily do quick mental math calculations

Speed Math for Kids is your guide to becoming a math genius--even if you have struggled with math in the past. Believe it or not, you have the ability to perform lightning quick calculations that will astonish your friends, family, and teachers. You'll be able to master your multiplication tables in minutes, and learn basic number facts while doing it. While the other kids in class are still writing down the problems, you can be calling out the answers.

Speed Math for Kids is all about playing with mathematics. This fun-filled book will teach you:

  1. How to multiply and divide large numbers in your head
  2. What you can do to make addition and subtraction easy
  3. Tricks for understanding fractions and decimals
  4. How to quickly check answers every time you make a calculation
  5. And much more

If you're looking for a foolproof way to do multiplication, division, factoring estimating, and more, Speed Math for Kids is the book for you. With enough practice you'll go straight to the top of the class!

About The Author:
Bill Handley is an international authority on mathematics teaching and study methods. He is also the author of Speed Mathematics (for adults) and Teach Your Children Tables.