• Singapore Politics Under the People's Action Party

Singapore Politics Under the People's Action Party

Author(s) Diane K. Mauzy, R. S. Milne
ISBN10 0415246539
ISBN13 9780415246538
Format Paperback
Pages 288
Year Publish 2002 June


A comprehensive overview of politics in Singapore since self-governance. The authors examine how this tiny island has developed into a global financial centre and an economic and social success under the leadership of the People's Action Party which has ruled continuously since 1959. The authors explore the nature of the Singaporean government, as well as major issues such as ethnicity, human rights and the development of civil society.

About the Authors:

Diane K. Mauzy is Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. 

R.S. Milne is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of British Columbia and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.