• Mastering Short-Response Writing: Claim It! Cite It! Cement It!

Mastering Short-Response Writing: Claim It! Cite It! Cement It!

Author(s) Alan Sitomer
ISBN10 1338157779
ISBN13 9781338157772
Format Paperback
Pages 160
Year Publish 2016 November


Build confident, capable writers who own the concrete skills necessary to excel at composing evidence-based expository or argumentative short responses. In order to succeed on standardized tests and a wide range of writing assignments that call for writing to a prompt, students must control the content and mechanics of a logically structured, grammatically correct paragraph. California Teacher of the Year award winner and celebrated trade author Alan Sitomer outlines the Triple C writing system - a sequence of writing steps that helps students, grades 2-6, write concisely and convincingly in response to a prompt. Mastering Short-Response Writing is a particularly effective instructional tool for raising the skill sets of striving writers.

About the Author:

Alan Sitomer, a California Teacher of the Year award winner and the founder of The Writer’s Success Academy. He’s taught English to urban students and has written more than 16 books for children and adolescents.