• Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies That Change Student Attitudes and Get Results, July/2010

Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies That Change Student Attitudes and Get Results, July/2010

Author(s) Judy Willis, M.D.
ISBN10 1416610367
ISBN13 9781416610366
Format Paperback
Pages 195
Year Publish 2010 July


Has it ever seemed to you that some students are hardwired to dislike math? If so, then here’s a book that explains how negative attitudes toward math get established in the brain and what you can do to turn those attitudes around. Math teacher and neurologist Judy Willis gives you over 50 strategies you can use right away in any grade level to

  1. Rehabilitate negative attitudes about math.
  2. Reduce mistake anxiety.
  3. Relate math to students’ interests and goals.

Find out how a better understanding of your students’ brains can help you build foundational skills in math and other subjects and develop your students& long-term memory of academic concepts. Explore classroom interventions that help you

  1. Change your students’ math intelligences by incorporating relaxation techniques, humor, visuals, and stories into your teaching.
  2. Eliminate stress and increase motivation to learn math by using errorless math, estimation, and achievable challenges.
  3. Differentiate your strategies to students’ skill levels by using scaffolds, flexible grouping, and multisensory input.

Find out how a better understanding of your students’ brains can help you build foundational skills in math and other subjects and develop your students& long-term memory of academic concepts.