• Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design: Connecting Content and Kids

Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design: Connecting Content and Kids

Author(s) Carol Ann Tomlinson, Jay Mctighe
ISBN10 1416602844
ISBN13 9781416602842
Format Paperback
Pages 197
Year Publish 2006 January


Discover how two of education's most powerful frameworks can team up to provide your schools with a comprehensive and in-depth approach to ensure all students are learning at maximum levels. The leading experts on Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design explain how to connect these two approaches and use their combined power to

  1. Meet content standards and prepare for high-stakes tests while providing students with multiple learning pathways
  2. Use the backward design approach to develop curriculum units and lessons that can be differentiated in response to students' different readiness levels, abilities, and learning styles
  3. Combine drill and practice with differentiated performance tasks to inspire understanding of content
  4. Create a fair, criterion-referenced assessment approach that supports standards and differentiation

Find out how a curriculum built on the goal of student understanding, integrated with instructional approaches that emphasize reaching every learner, can provide teachers with more specific teaching targets and more flexible ways to reach them.