• How to Plan Rigorous Instruction (Mastering the Principles of Great Teaching Series), Jan/2011

How to Plan Rigorous Instruction (Mastering the Principles of Great Teaching Series), Jan/2011

Author(s) Dr. Robyn R. Jackson
ISBN10 1416610936
ISBN13 9781416610939
Format Paperback
Pages 124
Year Publish 2010 January


Available January.

What if you could go beyond planning and delivering tightly scripted lessons mapped to a standardized test to facilitating rich, robust learning experiences that prepare students to be critical thinkers and lifelong learners? The good news is that you can do it all when you have the steps and strategies from this guide. Drawing from the principles from her best-seller Never Work Harder Than Your Students and Other Principles of Great Teaching, Robyn R. Jackson explains how to plan more rigorous, engaging, and rewarding lessons that help your students go beyond a surface understanding of the material and see the connection between what they are doing in class and their ultimate learning goals.

Regardless of the grade level or discipline you teach, discover how to create lessons that are much more focused, activities that are more relevant and engaging, and assessments that are much more informative to both you and your students. Lots of helpful worksheets, planning templates, and strategy sheets help you plan more rigorous learning units from start to finish—from selecting better content, to implementing more powerful instructional strategies, to creating and administering more meaningful assessments.