• How the Brain Learns, 5th Edition, Dec/2016

How the Brain Learns, 5th Edition, Dec/2016

Author(s) David A. Sousa
ISBN10 1506346308
ISBN13 9781506346304
Format Paperback
Pages 400
Year Publish 2016 December


Apply the newest brain research to enhance all students’ learning 

Recent discoveries about the human brain have the power to transform the way we teach and learn. World-renowned educational neuroscience consultant David A. Sousa has helped tens of thousands of educators understand how brain research can improve teaching and learning. He continues his tradition of translating new findings into effective classroom strategies and activities in this updated version of his bestselling text. The fifth edition of How the Brain Learns integrates recent developments in neuroscience, education, and psychology and includes  

  1. New information on memory systems, especially working memory capacity
  2. Updated research on how the explosion of technology is affecting the brain
  3. Current findings on brain organization and learning, and revised sections on hemispheric specialization
  4. New evidence on how learning the arts enhances cognitive processing and creativity
  5. An expanded resources section 
  6. More than 150 new or updated references

Written for anyone who wants to better understand the way people learn, How the Brain Learns unlocks the mysteries of the human mind and allows educators to experience the joy of seeing students reach their full potential. 

“The strategies in How the Brain Learns are applicable and explained in the context of the research. The what and why are in the same place, and the book helps teachers see what they can and should do to support their students while providing scientific reasons for the strategies. Teachers are prepared to explain and share with students, principals, superintendents, parents, and colleagues.”
Kris Dreifuerst, Graduate Teaching Lecturer, Neurodevelopmental Approach to Teaching
Plymouth State University

About The Author:

David A. Sousa, EdD, an international consultant in educational neuroscience, has written 16 books for educators and parents on ways of using brain research to improve teaching and learning. He has conducted workshops for more than two hundred thousand educators in hundreds of school districts on brain research and science education at the pre-K to Grade 12 and university levels. He has presented at national conventions of educational organizations and to regional and local school districts across the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. 

Dr. Sousa has a bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Bridgewater (Massachusetts) State University, a master of arts degree in teaching science from Harvard University, and a doctorate from Rutgers University. His teaching experience covers all levels. He has taught high school science and has served as a K–12 director of science, a supervisor of instruction, and a district superintendent in New Jersey schools. He has been an adjunct professor of education at Seton Hall University and at Rutgers University. A past president of the National Staff Development Council (now called Learning Forward), Dr. Sousa has edited science books and published numerous articles in leading educational journals on staff development, science education, and brain research. He has received awards from professional associations, school districts, and Bridgewater State University (Distinguished Alumni Award), and several honorary doctorates for his commitment and contributions to research, staff development, and science education. He has been interviewed on the NBC Today show and on National Public Radio about his work with schools using brain research. He makes his home in south Florida.

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