• Getting Started with English Language Learners: How Educators Can Meet the Challenge

Getting Started with English Language Learners: How Educators Can Meet the Challenge

Author(s) Judie Haynes
ISBN10 1416605193
ISBN13 9781416605195
Format Paperback
Pages 180
Year Publish 2007 February


Whether you’re new to teaching English language learners or an old hand, here’s a guide that provides you with a firm baseline and can’t-miss strategies for boosting the achievement of these students. A teacher with 26 years of experience uses familiar scenarios from actual classrooms to illustrate ideas and advice you can use right away:

  1. Six key concepts and six common myths of second language acquisition
  2. Five stages of language acquisition and what to do at each
  3. Four stages of culture shock that newcomers go through before they become comfortable with the language
  4. How to know when an ELL student is ready to speak
  5. How to match instruction to ELL learning styles and thinking skills
  6. Main challenges that ELL students face in learning reading, writing, math, science, and social studies
  7. How to use differentiated instruction, flexible grouping, and other essential practices for ELL students
  8. What to do for ELL students during the first weeks of school

School leaders should buy this book in bulk for wide distribution or use the book’s professional development activities to create workshops and teacher induction programs.