• Making the Most of Understanding by Design

Making the Most of Understanding by Design

Author(s) John L. Brown
ISBN10 0871208601
ISBN13 9780871208606
Format Paperback
Pages 205
Year Publish 2004 January


Explore how high-level users of ASCD's Understanding by Design (UbD) have applied this best-selling framework to improve both student achievement and organizational effectiveness.

Incorporating advice and guidelines from educators throughout the United States, John Brown gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how they leverage UbD principles to enhance student learning, student achievement, staff performance, and organizational productivity.

Discover what it takes to expand UbD from a pilot project to a roadmap for system wide improvement:

  • Ideas for using UbD to address state and district accountabilities
  • Insights on using UbD to create lessons and units that promote student achievement
  • Models and highlights of exemplary professional development programs incorporating UbD principles
  • Ways to link UbD to other school improvement efforts, including differentiated instruction and ASCD's What Works in Schools