• The Brain Training Revolution: A Proven Workout for Healthy Brain Aging, Dec/2010

The Brain Training Revolution: A Proven Workout for Healthy Brain Aging, Dec/2010

Author(s) Paul Bendheim
ISBN10 9833831338
ISBN13 9789833831333
Format Paperback
Pages 352
Year Publish 2010 December


Repair, Retrain, and Maintain Your Brain

Age-associated memory loss is the number one health complaint of Americans over 60, but loss of brain cells is not something you have to just accept—mental exercise can create and sustain new cells in 50-, 60-, 70-, and even 80-year-old brains. The result? A reduced risk of memory loss and Alzheimer's disease and more robust memory function overall.

Train your brain with Dr. Paul E. Bendheim's proven mental exercises!

For the nearly 50% of Americans over 40 who worry about memory loss, an innovative step-by-step guide to help readers boost brain health.

The Brain Training Revolution offers readers a unique three-part prescription for brain and memory health based on the latest scientific research. By focusing on certain aspects of nutrition, physical fitness, and mental exercise, The Brain Training Revolution outlines a plan to maintain brain health, blunt the assaults of age-related memory loss, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease—and even restore some memory loss.

With contributions by experts in brain nutrition, cognitive science and physical exercise, this book provides readers with a way to train their brains for better memory, better learning abilities, better decision making and overall better brain function.

About the Author:
Motivated by a professional and personal passion, Paul E. Bendheim, MD, (Phoenix) is an internationally recognized neurologist with 25 years of academic neuroscience research and industry-related drug development in Alzheimer's and other brain degenerative diseases. Dr. Bendheim is CEO and Chief Medical Officer of BrainSavers, LLC, and Chairman of the Clinical Advisory Board, Intellect Neurosciences, Inc. His father, a psychiatrist, died of Alzheimer's disease.