• Fostering Student Voice (Quick Reference Guide)

Fostering Student Voice (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Russell Quaglia, Kristine Fox
ISBN10 1416627308
ISBN13 9781416627302
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2018 December


When students have a voice, they are motivated to learn, exhibit greater self-worth, are meaningfully engaged in learning, and have a greater a sense of purpose. This handy guide, based on years of research and work in schools, describes a four-step process for fostering student voice. Teachers will learn

  1. Why student voice matters.
  2. How to get started.
  3. What instructional strategies to use.
  4. Do’s and don’ts for supporting voice.

This guide will help teachers promote authentic student voice in the classroom and engage students in building identity, agency, and purpose.