• Teaching How to Learn: The Teacher's Guide to Student Success

Teaching How to Learn: The Teacher's Guide to Student Success

Author(s) Kenneth A. Kiewra
ISBN10 1412965349
ISBN13 9781412965347
Format Paperback
Pages 208
Year Publish 2009 February


"We need to teach students how to learn, not just what to learn. This book is full of valuable information on how to accomplish this, including practical lesson ideas, examples, and vignettes. Any educator will benefit from reading this book and thinking about teaching in a new way."
—Ganna Maymind, First-Grade Teacher
Asher Holmes Elementary School, Morganville, NJ

A four-step process for helping students become independent, self-sufficient learners!

Effective teachers not only pass on information, they teach students how to learn. This innovative guidebook offers proven methods to strengthen instruction and help K–12 students acquire successful learning strategies using the SOAR approach: Selecting key lesson ideas; Organizing information using comparative charts and other representations; Associating ideas to create meaningful, memorable connections; and Regulating and reinforcing learning through practice.

Drawing from the latest research on the efficacy of these teaching methods, this resource presents:

  1. Detailed explanations for teaching each SOAR strategy
  2. Guidelines for fostering student motivation and behavior self-management
  3. Methods for embedding student learning techniques within content instruction to develop students' capacity to learn in any setting

With insightful examples and illustrations, Teaching How to Learn will be used again and again by teachers looking to transform themselves into A+ educators and their students into lifelong learners.

About The Author:
Kenneth A. Kiewra is an expert on learning strategies, homework, and study methods. A professor of educational psycholgy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he presents regulary at AERA and other national confereces, in addition to working with local schools. Kiewra is the author of two textbooks with Prentice Hall and Allyn & Bacon, as well as dozens of journal articles. His research interests include: learning strategies, knowledge representation, strategies for note-taking and studying, cognitive factors related to writing ability, and the development of talent and expertise.