• The Lighter Side of Technology in Education

The Lighter Side of Technology in Education

Author(s) Aaron Bacall
ISBN10 0761938036
ISBN13 9780761938033
Format Paperback
Pages 96
Year Publish 2003 April


A sense of humor is essential in education!

As educators, we often take ourselves a bit too seriously, so veteran educator and illustrator Aaron Bacall offers a little perspective with these lighthearted cartoons. Whether used as overheads for staff development meetings or as an individual break in a busy day, this collection of whimsical glimpses at technology will provide a moment to laugh and add a little levity—and poignancy—to your workday.
Intended to amuse, inspire, and reveal the simple truths that surround us, these illustrations are ideal for:

  1. Staff training days
  2. Conference presentations
  3. Classroom lectures
  4. Community meetings
  5. Internal communications

…and they will continue reminding us that we can laugh at almost anything!

About The Author:

Aaron Bacall’s works have appeared in many publications: The School AdministratorTechnology & LearningThe New YorkerThe Wall Street JournalBarron’s, and Reader’s Digest. He has worked as a teacher, a principal curriculum writer, for the New York City Board of Education, an antibiotic research chemist, and now as a full-time cartoonist and the coordinator of medical programs in continuing education at the College of Staten Island in New York. He is a member of the National Cartoonists Society and is on the Board of Governors of the Cartoonists Association.