• Achieving Next Generation Literacy: Using the Tests (You Think) You Hate to Help the Students You Love, May/2016

Achieving Next Generation Literacy: Using the Tests (You Think) You Hate to Help the Students You Love, May/2016

Author(s) Maureen Connolly, Vicky Giouroukakis
ISBN10 1416621636
ISBN13 9781416621638
Format Paperback
Pages 158
Year Publish 2016 May


As a teacher, what you want your students to learn is to immerse themselves in rich and challenging content, including the ability to

  1. Read complex text independently.
  2. Develop strong content knowledge through reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
  3. Tailor communication in response to different audiences, tasks, purposes, and disciplines.

You also know how much is riding on achievement tests. Authors Maureen Connolly and Vicky Giouroukakis present a lesson planning approach for the secondary classroom that generates test success as a happy byproduct of comprehensive literacy learning. Along with six sample lessons, you’ll find 42 instructional techniques for developing next generation literacy and tips for differentiating each of these techniques. This book will empower you to help the students you love become capable, literate individuals who are also well-prepared to ace those high-stakes tests.