• Gradual Release of Responsibility in the Classroom (Quick Reference Guide)

Gradual Release of Responsibility in the Classroom (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey
ISBN10 81416623140
ISBN13 9781416623144
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2016 July


A quick-reference introduction to the gradual release of responsibility framework—a template for delivering powerful, effective, and engaging instruction that fosters independent learning.

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey present a quick-reference introduction to the gradual release of responsibility framework—a template for delivering powerful, effective, and engaging instruction that fosters independent learning. This practitioner-focused guide covers the basics of the framework's four instructional phases, provides illustrative classroom look-ins, and presents all kind of tips for getting started.

About the Authors:

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey are professors of educational leadership at San Diego State University. They focus on policies and practices related to high-quality instruction, especially for students who are English learners and for students with disabilities. They are co-authors of numerous ASCD books and teacher-leaders at Health Sciences High and Middle College, where they learn from students, fellow teachers, and families every day.