• The Sights and Sounds of Equitable Practices DVD, June/2011

The Sights and Sounds of Equitable Practices DVD, June/2011

Author(s) One 45-minute DVD
ISBN10 1416611339
ISBN13 9781416611332
Format Paperback
Pages 0
Year Publish 2011 January


Why are achievement gaps so persistent and equity still a contentious issue? Here’s a tool to help you reflect on that question and consider your school community’s current situation in light of some widely identified best practices for promoting equity. Share the DVD with your colleagues next school climate committee or professional learning community meeting to

  • See and hear the mindset of equitable practices in classrooms, schools, and districts at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
  • Understand how viewing curriculum and instruction through the lens of equity encourages a willingness to put aside previously held beliefs and misconceptions about students and helps change teaching behaviors.
  • Show examples of behaviors that engage and support student learning while promoting rigor in the classroom.