• A Close Look At Close Reading: Teaching Students To Analyze Complex Texts, Grades K–5, Feb/2015

A Close Look At Close Reading: Teaching Students To Analyze Complex Texts, Grades K–5, Feb/2015

Author(s) Diane K. Lapp, Barbara Moss, Maria Grant, Kelly Johnson
ISBN10 141661947X
ISBN13 9781416619475
Format Paperback
Pages 200
Year Publish 2015 February


New standards demand an instructional shift to teaching students close reading skills, and teachers need to know what this means: the texts to choose, the process to follow, the kinds of questions to ask, the supports to provide, and the assessment strategies to use. That's where this comprehensive book comes in, with timely advice and clear guidelines and steps targeted especially to elementary school teachers. Literacy experts explain how to

  1. Choose the right texts for your students and identify initial teaching points for a close reading.
  2. Explain and model close reading to students and conduct close reading conversations.
  3. Use sentence frames and other strategies to support academic language use and content analysis.
  4. Align close reading with other classroom literacies, including writing, speaking, and listening.
  5. Use formative assessment data gleaned during and after instruction to modify and support close reading instruction.

Follow the advice in this book to ensure all students—regardless of linguistic, cultural, or academic background—have the tools they need to connect with and learn from both literary and informational texts across the academic disciplines.