• Total Participation Techniques DVD, Sep/2014

Total Participation Techniques DVD, Sep/2014

Author(s) Persida Himmele, William Himmele
ISBN10 141661706X
ISBN13 9781416617068
Format DVD
Pages One 40-minute DVD
Year Publish 2014 September


One 40-minutes DVD


Since ASCD published the best-selling book Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner, school leaders have been eager to show more teachers how to use these easy-to-use and incredibly effective alternatives to “stand and deliver” teaching strategies in their classrooms. This DVD provides an answer. Interviews with authors Pérsida and William Himmele explain how to make every student an active learner. And classroom scenes from elementary and high schools show teachers how to use Total Participation Techniques (TPTs) to get and hold students' attention, activate higher-order thinking, and provide formative assessments of academic progress. Hear teachers and administrators explaining the steps to implementing TPTs so they engage every kind of learner, from ESL students to gifted but disinterested students. See field-tested techniques like pair-share and pause-star-rank in action, take a tour through an actual TPT toolkit to discover effective supplies to use with TPTs, and witness a peer coaching session that observes and breaks down ways to maximize learning.