• Meeting Students Where They Live: Motivation in Urban Schools, Apr/2010

Meeting Students Where They Live: Motivation in Urban Schools, Apr/2010

Author(s) Richard Curwin
ISBN10 1416609563
ISBN13 9781416609568
Format Paperback
Pages 192
Year Publish 2010 April


Teaching in an urban environment is different, and what teachers need is a broader range of strategies for increasing student involvement and stopping all the interferences and distractions. Richard L. Curwin delivers that in spades with this book for every urban educator. Drawing from his many years in education and interviews with countless numbers of teachers, the author of the ASCD classic Discipline with Dignity explains
    ? What problems are unique to the urban environment.
    ? Why urban youth is more difficult to motivate.
    ? How to replace ineffective approaches with methods that relate to these students’ everyday experiences.
Learn what urban educators can do to turn around even the most uncaring students:
    ? 10 quick strategies every teacher can use to immediately increase motivation.
    ? 12 killers of motivation and their remedies.
    ? 22 activities that can turbocharge any lesson to make it more stimulating, exciting, and engaging for urban students.
    ? 4 keys to measuring your success.
Even if you don’t teach in an urban school, you’ll benefit from this book’s strategies for engaging troubled, hard-to-teach students with motivation-building lessons and assessments that inspire effort rather than kill it.